Warhammer Tag mythic shot themselves in the foot?

lots of new player reviews coming in. a lot of people that aren't from WoW are giving very bad reviews. At this point it doesn't matter who agrees or disagrees because there are quite a lot of people saying it.

Most, if not everyone, that has no love for WoW will probably leave at level 40 if they haven't already left.

To top it all off this is just a powergamer game. No one talks. No one groups. It's so boooooooooring.

So everyone left playing will have been from WoW because all the good reviews are coming from WoW gamers (they say so themselves). Once most of WoW goes back to it to play WotLK, will mythic be caught with its pants down?

They alienated the player base that could have been permanent and instead cater to blizzard's base which sees this as nothing more than a WoW expansion and will not remain.

I'm not being a troll here. I am putting a name on the obvious because this is what you do not do. Unfortunately no one worth anything will read this and next season we will probably see 5 more MMORPGs just like this one.

Until the servers go down, it isn't dead.

i was very excited for this game, i even played most of the beta, was very very happy with the game, until i hit 20.

at 20 you pretty much stop leveling from quests, and it's even hard to find quests that would even be around your level, it's not fun looking at every region for a new quest only to find it gives you no benefit from exp.

most of my guild was to 26 and stopped, due to the leveling, and decided to reroll a new character only to run into the same problem at about 20+ the only way i found to level effectively was to go kill things for a kill collector.. then turn in once you have killed 500+ mobs... very fun.

if mythic works on how leveling is done, i would gladly go back, but for now, it's a dead duck in the water for me, and no intentions of going back.

If only WoW gamers remain, and 90% of those WoW gamers get asked by their RL friends to go play WotLK, then yes, this game is effectively dead, since it has alienated the base of gamers that would have remained otherwise.

Crazey Axel obviously doesnt understand how much exp is possible from doing RvR and PQ


and thats just 1 scenario, and no i was not by myself whoring XP

If only there was a game you can lvl from doing scenarios and PQs...

Crazey Axel obviously doesnt understand how much exp is possible from doing RvR and PQ


and thats just 1 scenario, and no i was not by myself whoring XP

The problem lies in the fact that the only scenerio people queue for in Tier 3 is Tor Anroc.

Try playing Tor Anroc for Lvs22-32 and you'll feel like stabbing yourself in the eyes then pouring sulfur in the eyesockets.

since you brought that up, i'll touch on this as well, PQs and scenarios. scenarios for me are over 3 hours + wait for me, and PQs can't do them due to most poeple always kicking me out of their groups, why open up a open party for anyone to join then kick you is beyond me.

so that dulled me on trying to do PQs, now sceanrios... never got much benefit from that as well, due to Q times, so i sat out in the woods and grinded.. on mobs and just got fed up with it. so PQs on my server do me no benefit as well as scenarios, there's just not enough order.

now if you go so reroll order, they dont appeal to me, plus i don't think i should have to change what i want to be just to expierence the game that i want to, i love being the goblin shaman, was always my favorite. the game is lackluster to me, and it's sad, because i really really was looking forward to this game, only to be let down.

I have a feeling Crazy Axel is an emo kid that cuts himself.

%26quot;To top it all off this is just a powergamer game. No one talks. No one groups. It's so boooooooooring.%26quot;

Are you serious ? If i go into a pq, i can get a warband in like 10 minutes because people are contently wanting to group. I think its the opposite of what your saying.

crazy, when your server pop says %26quot;low%26quot; on peak hours, its time to reroll. My server is med/high on peak and on off hours my que is never over 10 minutes.