World of Warcraft Trolls

World of Warcraft Trolls

Hey there, I play World of Warcraft and I am Alliance. My main is alliance aswell and I decided to make a Horde.

I want to go Troll because I think the Raptor Mounts look cool. I thought about going Taurn Warrior but I do not like the quests they have.

I just wanted to know, because I know nothing about Horde? what Class is a Troll good at? I don%26#8217;t really want to be a Warrior again since I got my Taurn up to around 25-ish and I found out that Warriors are boring (for me) so thats out of the picture.

I thought about Troll Mage because Trolls have a Spell Haste Racial? and thats always nice, but I was informed that if your going to be a mage, just go Undead? or Blood Elf. I am not going Blood Elf because they are a bit squishy and no useful Racials.

I like mages and they are fun so I might go Troll Mage? I just wanted to know if Trolls are not suppost to be mages? or what else you might recomend.

I also Have a Hunter and Rouge so those are also out of the Picture? I also thought about Shadow preist.. but I have a Warlock =P

I probably would have recommended going a Mage as a Troll. The only other I would suggest is a Priest. Just don%26#8217;t choose male. Female Trolls actually look decent.