Retadin's Vindication

Every paladin knows that Vindication it's useless while levelling cause it reduces 20% from mob's max health(if the mob got 1000hp max and u've already hit him and he got to 700hp and the vindication proc'd the mob will have 700/800hp).

But now, I've find a way to make an use of it during levelling. At the beginning of the fight without even touching the mob with your weapon he'll get Vindication. How is that possible? It's pretty simple. What do you need:

1. A paladin of course

2. 1-2talent points in Vindication(retribution spec)

3. A new place for Hand of Reckoning on hotbar

Basically, just go to a mob, click him, use Hand of Reckoning on him and Vindication will proc.

How is this helping you?

Let's say a mob has 1000hp. If you hit him dirrectly without Vindication proc for 300dmg, the mob will have 700/1000hp. If you hit him first with Hand of Reckoning, Vindication will proc, the mob will have 800hp -300dmg(your hit) = 500/800hp left.

I hope I've made myself clear. If you have any questions please post here.

Screenshotthe mob had 1221hp initially - I only have 1 point in Vindication atm)

by HolyGraal