warhammer Swordmaster vs White Lion

Can someone from Beta give information about Swordmasters compared to White lions?

I love rvr and want a solid rvr mele char. I've played both offensive and defensive tank in DAOC and can manage both but want a solid groupable rvr class.

The way i see it if you gonna make a melee group white lion is important. Mostly because of the 50% heal reduction + the help that can give the pet as interrupter on a caster. All those ofc if they improve the pet's pathing and solve all the bug issues.

I/m playing sword master at the mo and by a mile my fav class,as for white lion both are pretty different ,SM is mainly going to be a tank class and WL is a pure melee dps class plus you get the added bonus of useing your pet to interupt ect.. So if you wanna melee dps go WL but if you wanna tank go SM, sm can do decent dps aswell but later on id be amazed if they can keep up with most other class's.As i mentioned in another post playing melee dps in RvR at the mo is next to pointless you just cant hit anything even though your getting hit.

Thanks but thats not even an issue i have no connection problems at all,and changing that hasnt made one bit of difference i may add i shouldnt have to go messing around with connection settings to play this game.But i suspect they will look into it soon and fix it with a patch ect... sword master all the way..........(even though you cant hit shit in RvR

Actually i don't have any problem playing wl in rvr and yes i can hit my opponents. There are lots of bugs that i submit every day but those will be fixed with the release or later. My opinion is to try every class and choose what u like to play most. Ignore all the problems that the class might have because those problems sooner or later it will be fixed.

At low levels the melee characters suffer from not being able to close ground fast enough, but a good tank+healer combo will have no issues there and the while lion will get a leap skill from mastery later on that helps it immensely.

I think you have a choice, both will matter a lot in sieges and defensive situations, but do you want to absorb damage or deal it? That is the big difference.

Personally I was going to go White Lion but am having a blast on my Shadow Warrior at the moment, however I've noticed that when the WL gets in range, they really do make short work of anything that gets near them.

The sword master absorbs magical damage much better than an iron breaker, the iron breaker absorbs melee damage much better so theres a need for both.Im sure these issues with hitting mobs and other players in RvR will be fixed i certainly wont be giving up on my sword master as im loving the class.I will prob lvl up through the damage tree for the sword master and then at end game respecc tank,but a sword master can tank really well even with a two hander as his combo buffs increase parry ect.. the system works really well and taunt actuall gives you a dps increase so its used all the time weather you are tanking,questing or doing RvR.

I played a WH to 12 then decided to play a SM and OMG but the SM is insane.

Its a slow start until about lvl 6 and SM becomes a real monster at lvl 8 when you get ur RR gear.

Shields block spells and damage and my guy has 45% armour dmg mitigation, 40% parry (needs one skill use so its almost perma) and 40% block (melee and spell dmg). I also have a buff that gives 25% chance to aborb 100 dmg for 10 secs after hitting.

Dmg isnt great compared to wH (as you might expect) but I can sit and absorb a whole zergs attack and not get touched (which is insanely satisfying. SMs also get a nice root, plus some good Dots/ armour debuffs.

However, the most cool thing is that they can dual wield!! Oh yes!

True the second sword has stats like a shield but damn it looks so sweet. And when you get a few abilities and run through the stances fast it looks awesome.

So, maybe not gonna be killin everyone but Ive enjoyed SM much more than WH today, so much so I'm tempted to roll one come release instead of a WH...decisions decisions..