Warhammer Lets review Page 1

Firstly, Hello all... hope your all trying to enjoy WAR or are enjoying WAR. Its been awhile since I posted. Obviously I quit following WAR and then some friends convinced me to pick it up last minute... I didnt even expect WAR to be released, and it was... so I was a bit surprised... so heres my rant/review of WAR.

I was in a rush to 40, then hit 32 and then got insanely bored with the game. Balance does not exist, and I was pretty peeved that some classed didnt even get into the game for release that were said to be...

The fact they are bringing in some of the classes for DEC that didnt make it... leads me to believe EA ****ed WARHAMMER royally , by releasing way too early, something I thought Mark Jacobs said wouldnt happen.

Way too many AOE's and the whole SUCK/Grab/Fetch thing is damn right stupid. Battle of whoever can do the most DPS. Tanks pretty much pointless... which leads me to my mistake, rolling a tank... in hind sight should have went with my healer, but then again DPS solo seems so much better at this point.

I can deal with that, but honestly the biggest thing that pisses me off about WAR IT PLAYS LIKE WOW... 24/7 Scenarios ... its the only way... WORLD RVR? Nil. I spent like 3 hours on keep defense (The Capital) and after we successfully defended it, we got s*** all... no bonus, nadda, wasted time. Oh boy, we sure showed them, zones respawn back to normal... everyone goes back to Scenarios...

[Random Mark Jacobs quote here]

You cant beat WOW by being WOW, wow's already perfected the BG/Arena grind... now its like WAR wants the same GD thing...

Will I continue to give this game a chance, for now... but honestly the whole THIS WONT BE WOW... it is wow... but with worse gameplay.

ahh ghost from the past.

Interesting to see a fresh perspective on this, didn't know you were gone that long!

The cuts were announced a few months ago due to issues with....well something.(they said it was that they didn't fit for whatever issue, oh and that it was the beta testers who drove them to do it, which isn't true)

As for gameplay, hehe I think alot of people expected to much out of this.

It is an MMO after all.

All the MMO's on the market %26quot;Play like Wow%26quot; because wow had some great strides in gameplay.

So people want that in MMO's at this moment.

I'm far more upset with the company than the game itself.

Open is semi-broken. They are working on it.

There is supposed to be a bonus for keep holding, and they are going to make it a PQ of sorts to encourage more.

they recently added 100% XP to open.

Yes currently scenarios are ruling the day, but they are slowly bringing people out.

There needs to be more incentive on it.

Kinda thinking at this point should have been harder to queue up.

Sort like playing a video game inside a video game, people don't go outside.

Anyways, they know this and are really working on making Open more appealing to people.

I know it sucks to have to do that, but if it needs to be done so be it.

I would say, wait for Patch 1.1 to see big changes in gameplay for the classes, hopefully.

I have just recently berated Mythic for alot of things, but I will say I really feel like PvP is more exciting in this game.

Yes I said PvP and not RvR, cause RvR at the moment is a little slow at certain times.

Sometimes it's nuts, and awesome, and friggin massive.

sometimes it's a snooze fest.

In the end, for me, it's massively better than wow.

I find that tanks are useful for many situations in PvP/RvR, but we really need the 2 incoming to even it out and really make things more even.

And also, I find this is the best game on the market. And may be for some time.

I mean...till the KOTOR MMO comes out...that's a different story

glad to see you back, sucks that it's to express dissapointment instead of elation for WAR. But taking in all that has changed is alot to swallow.

those cuts were major and OW had quite a stir-up over that, so trust me your not alone and if anything you took it quite well.

Alluvian found it to be nearly a deal breaker.