WAR Players Give Thanks

It's a day of Turkey and cranberries, mashed potatoes and gravy. But don't forget the most important side dish: a little Warhammer Online! On this Thanksgiving Holiday, we asked our WAR players what their characters were thankful for. See what your fellow gamers had to say!

Bildo Grudgekeeper of Karak Eight Peaks is thankful for %26quot;the wee little keg he keeps in his beard. It comes in handy during long days of travel through High Pass, working for the Empire sods.%26quot;

I am looking forward to playing my WH, they look like the perfect pilgrims. On the menu will be Shaman a' la Accussation. First you stick a few times with your sabre to allow them to cook through. Next make sure to disrupt them so that all the juices stay inside. Finally take the torch to them until the center reaches 165 degrees and the surface is a nice crispy brown. Garn...