Change Log:
3.0.011 01/10/2009:
- deficit values will be hidden if zero
- glow texture for combo points will be hidden if color alpha is set to zero
- fix health/power bars being set to incorrect values during configuration
- embedded AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets, a library that previews fonts/statusbars/etc in the options window
3.0.010 01/07/2009:
- fix five-second rule spark not displaying when all unit cast bars are disabled
- fix class-reaction coloring sometimes messing up
3.0.009 01/05/2009:
- fixed error caused by setting options on a copied frame that doesn't exist
- added five-second rule mana tick for player frame (over Power Bar)
- added reaction colors for non-hostile players
- added Class-Reaction color method, which shows reaction color for NPCs or attackable pvp players and class colors for everyone else
- reduced how dark colors will be for darken color methods
3.0.008 01/03/2009 - quick fix for options to not cause an error on non-enUS clients
3.0.008 01/03/2009:
- really fix player's race; now use UnitIsPlayer instead of UnitPlayerControlled
- several performance tweaks
- pet happiness icon and options will only show for hunters
- ready checks should at least not cause errors
- fix status icon event for resting
- combined point and pointglow into a single texture file
- spell check on Dispell
3.0.007 12/31/2008 - hopefully fixed the disappearing race text
3.0.006 12/30/2008:
- added an option to set global font
- added an option to copy the current settings of another frame
- creature type should now update when a unit shapeshifts
- status icon is now event driven instead of time
- created and added a new border called "Square Line"
- tweaked some default options, nothing drastic
3.0.005 12/29/2008:
- added aura icon and timer spacing as an option
- only refresh target if it exists
- fix ghost event not triggering after death
- added "alive" as a tag condition
- combat text frame height will automatically set its height if font size is too large to prevent the text from disappearing
- added a close button to the Tag Help frame
- fixed dragging/scaling issues
- enabled dispell icon for warlocks with felhunter (untested)
- fixed cast bar channeling bug
- removed the "Test" statusbar texture
- added an option to show full-body model in 3D portraits
3.0.002 - fix Clique support
- added a button to restore defaults, located at the bottom of global options
- blizz casting bars for player and/or pet are disabled if Stuf's are enabled
- set coordinates for pvp icons to reduce empty texture area
- enabled info icons for all other units, but hidden by default
- added a crash prevention caused by negative font size values
Stuf 3.0.001:
- brand new replace to StellarUF
Stuf is a replacement to StellarUF. Stuf has the same default layout and feel of StellarUF, but Stuf is highly customizable. Do not expect much since this mod's purpose is to replace the default main unit frames, not other unit frame mods.
Unit support:
Player, pet, and pet target
Target, target of target, and target of target of target
Focus and target of focus
Party and their pets and targets
No raid support (I suggest sRaidFrames and Grid)
Notable features:
Cast bars for the main units
Dispellable debuff visual
Different combo point visual
Target and focus timer bars for your buffs/debuffs
Threat bars on target and focus (hidden by default on focus)
Shaman totem timers
Death Knight rune bars
Druid mana bar
Low memory and CPU usage compared to popular unit frame mods
Customization similar to Discord Unit Frames
LibSharedMedia-3.0 support for textures and fonts
Ace3 dialog config is used for the options GUI
How to use:
Options menu - "/stuf" or check the Addons tab in Interface Options
Hide party in raid - Stuf obeys Blizzard's option to "Hide Party Interface in Raid"
To enable slider nudging in the GUI, click just above the text when the tooltip disappears, then mouse over the slider until the tooltip reappears, and use your mouse wheel to adjust the slider values
Many sub-elements are hidden by setting the alpha or color alpha to zero
Many options, so I suggest checking each option one-by-one
Known issues:
Using "Set Focus" from the dropdown menu causes an error. No solution (seems like all UF mods are having this problem). Use "/focus" for now.