Endeavours NotePad (2.5)

by Endeavour/Nevermore/Yvaine Arthas

This is just a little NotePad for saving text between sessions.

You can scroll up and down using the mouse wheel.

Insert items just as you would do in the chatframe's editbox.

The corners of the main window serve as buttons, see their functionality below.

Press the Escape button if you want to save your notes and hide the window.

Type /edit to open the window.


Support for ItemLinks, AchievementLinks, PlayerLinks and SpellLinks

Easy to use. Simply type /edit and get started.

MultiPage Support

World of warcraft-Themed GUI


Upper left corner: Post all items on the current page in the chat frame (use this if you want to post items to someone else)

Upper right corner: Create a new page

Lower left corner: Previous page

Lower right corner: Next Page

Bottom Button (Page): Delete Page

If you have any feature requests or comments, please drop a line here. :)