Order posible 6 men setups

Since theres a similar thread in the destro forum, i thought it would be interesting to share our views of 6 men setups for order.

Here is my 1st approach:







Caster orientated

My 6 man setup is the only setup I can roll with. We don't have anyone else in the guild yet

1: Swordmaster - 2 hander, speccing damage

2: Ironbreaker - axe + shield, speccing toughness

3: Witch Hunter

4: Archmage

5: Archmage

6: Engineer

We have been doing pretty well actually, although we do lack ranged DPS. Currently learning to call targets (normally healers 1st) and gang-nuke them.

Can warbands join a scenario queue, or does it have to be parties only?

I like this setup retty much... Engineer seems nice, for aoe root around your healers, no?

3 guns in the front to assist on the same target, sounds very nice too

just a hint, you know there's an assist button right? You only have to update it every time you enter the scenario, as everyone gets mixed up every time you join.

that's at least how my group does it

Personally I would LIKE TO TRY

1 Ironbreaker - S/S

1 Swordsmaster - 2 handed dmg spec

1 Witch Hunter - plain melee dmg...

1 Warrior Priest - hangin around near the other melee, while doing those funky healing abilities while dealing damage at the same time!

1 Archmage - healing generaly, and assisting if possible on the main target

1 Runepriest - pure healing

You would have to ask him, I have no idea what Engineers can do yet

I've been playing on my Shadow Warrior alt and some of the tricks they can do are fecking sweet. We have a dedicated Shad Warr incoming to our guild in 2 weeks time, he just needs to buy a new PC first.