Well the secret is out. It is the news we have all been waiting to here. Cryptic Studios has finally announced on Monday that they are the new developers Star Trek Online. Because of a lot of hardship the old developer, Perpetual Entertainment could no longer develop the game and Cryptic Studios acquired the license.
If you were lucky enough to be awake at some 4am in the morning (eastern standard time) to watch the timer count down on Cryptic's homepage; You would have been greeted with a nice message box that popped up and said “Launch Time!”. What they were referring to is the awesome new Star Trek Online official website.
The website is already loaded with some neat screen shots and information. As well as an article from Jack Emmert, one of the top creative heads of Cryptic Studios. Here is a clip from his article.
“When the opportunity came for Cryptic to obtain the license for Star Trek, we were absolutely thrilled. I realized how many people at Cryptic loved the IP when the possibility of us getting the rights leaked out to the rest of the company. I had more Trekkies in my office asking to work on the project than I ever imagined.” -Jack Emmert
There is another countdown timer on the official Star Trek Online website. But this isn't for an unknown surprise. The company has already stated that it is for a game play video for the annual Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas. The timer will finish its countdown on August 10th.
There are forums where you can discuss the game, or attempt to harass developers. If you are looking for work, they are also hiring.
We can only hope that the game will be as awesome as we dream it to be. But I find if we don't get our hopes up to high, we will be pleasantly satisfied. The game is in very capable hands, and they have a good track record. They have developed the successful MMO series “City of Heroes” and “City of Villains”. They are also in development of another MMO titled Champions Online.