In the world of designer handbags, if a handbag “style” or “silhouette” is used in more than one fabric range it has to be popular. That is Louis Vuitton. Among so many series of Louis Vuitton handbags, Speedy is the vintage. However, among Speedy series, Alma in Monogram Vernis is most popular. Its design shape is so distinctive from others. Obviously, if you are a professional woman or a fashionmonger, you will deeply know that Alma is your first collection.
Louis Vuitton Alma was designed by the style guru Gaston Vuitton in 1930s who was inspired by the la Place de I’Alma, where many famous brand houses built in Paris. That is to say, Alma is not only the elegant sign of Paris, but also the classical symbol of Louis Vuitton.
This spring, Louis Vuitton decides to gift more chic points to this iconic bag. They find bright palette. From Blue Galactic, Orange sunset, Green Tonic, Violet, Pomme d’Amour, to Amarante, everyone is intriguing. Everyone is a hit with world aficionados. Especially matching with liquid-like appearance, the embossed monogram graphics, quality craftsmanship, removable leather key ball and padlock keys, the colorful Vernis Alma is the dreamy bag. The size of 15.1 inches in length, 11.2 inches in width, and 7.3 inches in height is roomy enough to stash all important documents and personal necessity. Inside the Alma is outfitted with two patch pockets and a handy cellular phone compartment.
Classics are always welcome. The work of legends always is passed down in families as heirlooms. This Louis Vuitton Alma in Monogram Vernis can be your precious heirlooms, because time has proved everything. By the way, its colorful series will definitely increase your bling-bling dressing. You will never go wrong with this classic look. Revitalize yourself with the Alma Bag at $239 on
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