Louis Vuitton Speedy handbags have been regarded as one of the most classical styles among the various designer handbags, so Speedy has been the most sought-after handbag. No matter the authentic or replica, it has brought a flood of Louis Vuitton Speedy handbags on the street. If you still desire to purchase a classic Louis Vuitton handbag, similar with Speedy, I strongly recommend the Louis Vuitton Papillon Bag.
Modern in Damier canvas, this Papillon bag features the lovely round shape. Golden brass pieces add a touch of vintage to the totality. So it is definitely the classic handbag which can keep you stylish for years to come. Besides, it comes with a removable round pouch with a leather strap. The ingenious design spans its capacity and creates a more interesting appearance.
Opening the top zipper closure shows the delicate terracotta-colored cross-grain leather lining and interior pockets for your small stuff. And it measures at 11.8" x 5.9", a suitable size for everyday use. With the supper chocolate-colored smooth leather handles, it can be comfortably hand-held or carried on the shoulder. It weighs a price of ?590. But you can get this handbag at $159 on Top1handbag.net
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