True art cannot be encompassed in a handbag, no matter how oversize, or over-pimped said handbag may be. This is something Louis Vuitton has always known, ingratiating itself as it has in the lives of artists, designers, photographers and other creative minds for the past 155 years. The resulting collaborations are detailed in Rizzoli’s coming mega-tome, “Louis Vuitton: Art, Fashion and Architecture.”
Beyond the high profiles partnerships with the likes of Richard Prince and Takashi Murakami, what “Art, Fashion and Architecture” reveals are 80 lesser-known folies a deux. That would include the minimalist Sol LeWitt, who designed silk scarves for the luxury giant in the ’80s; the travel photographer Jean Larivère who elevated Vuitton’s advertising to an art form; the architect Jun Aoki, whose immaculately executed stores in Tokyo risk eclipsing their designer contents; and the provocateur Vanessa Beecroft, who created naked performance pieces for the grand opening of the Champs-élysées flagship. Adding more heft — if any were needed are essays by the critics Jill Gasparina, Olivier Saillard and Taro Igarashi, who take on art, fashion and architecture, respectively. Ars longa, indeed. More Louis Vuitton Products are available on
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