Hi everyone! I am looking for a new bag,replica handbag, and wanted everyone's help. I love Coach, in particular the Legacy line , but Coach is so darn popular!
I love Hermes,lv handbag, but waaaaay out of my price range.
LV doesn't interest me.
I like classic good looks, something that will go with everything. I don't like blingy dazzle stuff, but I do love thick leathers and solid hardware. Quality. I also am a fan of bags that can be worn crossbody style.
I feel that there are some folks on this forum that would be more familiar with different brands than me, so any suggestions will be welcomed!
Pics and links would be very helpful.
If you want to ask me a few questions to better discern what brand would work for me,louis vuitton handbag, please feel free to do so!