Burning Garbo

Be&D Garbo Shoulder Portfolio Bag

For the past two weeks, every time I turn on the news the top story is the weather. It was 26 degrees in Miami the other day, which is about 50 degrees below average. There was frost on cars. Do you know how confusing it is to live in South Florida and find frost on your car and frozen leaves on your trees?

The plus side to this wacky weather are the gorgeous sunsets we are getting. The sky is clear blue during the day and when it comes time for sunset it looks like Michelangelo splattered the perfect pairing of vibrant colors across the sky, just for us.

The other night we shot my Be&D Garbo Shoulder Portfolio Bag against the burning sky alongside our barren bougainvillea plant. There are so many reasons why I love the combination of elements in this photo. This Be&D bag is one of my absolute favorite bags. I got it as a gift from Steve and Be after we did our piece on the reintroduction of the Be&D Garbo.

The leather is really smooshy and so incredibly soft to the touch. Be&D has perfected studded bags,lv bag, and I adore the gold pyramid studs on this bag. Then there is the colorful sky alongside the bare branches (of the plant we could never seem to keep alive,laptop battery, good weather or bad). Overall,louis vuitton handbag, this is love.

Buy the Be&D Garbo Portfolio via Be&D for $995.