What will i reach with this guide?
Gold! This guide will get you 500g a hour!!! (DEPENDS ON YOUR AH PRICES AND HOW FAST YOU CAN KILL)Romping Rhino’s Level 78-79 Creature: Romping Rhino - Thottbot: World of WarcraftPlains Mammoth’s Level 77-78 Creature: Plains Mammoth - Thottbot: World of Warcraft
That sounds wicked! What do i need for this method?
Skinning + Leatherworking or someone with Leatherworking to make it for ya.
I got it all, tell me what i farm for!The mobs excists of 2 types and guess what, you need to kill them:
What do they drop ? Tell me?!
Grey itemsGreen itemsBorean Leather (skinning)Rhino Meat (meat)Chunk o’ Mammoth (meat)Chilled Meat (meat)Arctic Fur (skinning, rare)
OMG that is awesome! Where do i find those wicked mobs ??
In the Storm Peaks on a place called: Plain of EchoesMap: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y37…-SYN-/Farm.jpg
Oke i got it all, but how does this get me golds>?????
Very simple.The Borean Leather, this wil be used to make Nerubian Legguards (Nerubian Legguards - Thottbot: World of Warcraft) wich will sell for 5g 33s @ vendor a piece. It costs 8 Borean Leather to make 1 Nerubian Legguards
All the of the meat’s + Arctic Fur’s will be sold on the AH, they bring quite the gold.
The Gray Crap, Green Items will be sold to the vendor.
And this will get me 500g a hour?!Well it depends on how quick you can farm them. Down here is some math of what i farm a hour and how much i sell it on the AH on my server (Bloodhoof EU). Here comes!
Gray crap: 61g @ vendorGreen Crap: 4 pieces = 20g @ vendorBorean Leather: 204 pieces, makes 25x Nerubian Legguards (5g 33s @ vendor a piece) = 134g @ vendorRhino Meat: 73 pieces (35g a stack on the AH) = 128gChunk o’ Mammoth: 45 pieces (30g a stack on the AH) = 68gChilled Meat: 30 pieces (10g a stack on the AH) = 25gArctic Fur: 1 piece (65g a piece) = 65g
Makes totall: 501g