World of warcraft question.?
well i played wow for 30 days in september and then got bord of it. Two days ago i started playing with the 10 day free trial for the new expansion pack. I have a lvl 43 night elf hunter in a pve world. I dont really know what to do. I%26#39;ve done a couple of quests, but they get borring fast. whenever i go to the battlegrounds, i always die and do little damage. I have a snow leopard as a pet. I%26#39;m going down the marksmanship talent, but probably will change it to beast mastery.
I just was wondering what else there is to do? How can I make my character stronger? i want to try to make another character, but i dont really know what to do, is there another class that uses bows and weapons like the hunter?
Battlegrounds will usually be full of twinks (sit at max for the level range and max out their gear, etc), so you%26#39;re probably going to die if you%26#39;re not built up properly.
Quests are your bread and butter and always will be. Try a different location if the quests in the area you%26#39;re at are boring (I%26#39;d offer suggestions but don%26#39;t remember any more). You could also do instance runs to get better gear, or work up your professions.