500,000 Players Crazy for WAR in Warhammer Online

Just a week,a half a million people playing WAR online, and the ranks of Order and Destruction are growing at a record-breaking pace for a new MMORPG. WAR creator spent years on providing players with the most stable, epic, and polished online world, but it is the players that have truly brought the Age of Reckoning to life.Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning had fully launched for just a week,and the new players who registered have surpass 500,000. wow~

Based on Games Workshop's epic and longstanding tabletop fantasy war game, WAR is a unique MMORPG that features revolutionary Realm vs. Realm (RvR) gameplay that will attract players in a world of perpetual conflict for years to come. WAR has been recognized for its unique play style that appeals newbies while offering incredible depth for sensoned players.

WAR subscription options include:

Monthly Subscription: 14.99 USD

3-Month Subscription: 41.97 USD(13.99 USD per month)

6-Month Subscription: 77.94 USD(12.99 USD per month)

Fans looking forward to laying siege to their enemy's capital city will have several pricing options available, beginning with a ?14.99 monthly subscription. Additionally, collectible 30- and 60-day prepaid Game Time Cards will be available at many game retailers.

Tags: Warhammer Online