So you are already to play the Druid class - then do it right!
Race played = Tauren
Level obtained = 15
Armor = cloth, leather
Weapon of choice = Staff until lvl 10, then Mace/Offhand,(at levels 15-20 you will find items that you may hold in your off hand that have stat adds like “branches” and “orbs” and other items. So it may be advisable to go Mace at level 10 to get that weapon skill raised.
Leveling Difficulty = Easy
NOTE: the cost to buy each skill is listed next to its name.
The Druid Leveling 1-15
The first thing you want to do is open your inventory and right click on the scroll, or other object that will open the quest window on the left side of the screen and give you your first quest, accept the quest and if you look on your minimap you should see a little yellow dot this dot represents the NPC that you talk too to complete your first quest.(You may have to walk a little ways, but just starting off the quest NPC is usually very close to your starting location) For future reference anytime you see a little yellow dot on your minimap this is the location of an NPC that you have completed a quest for. When you get to level 5 you may take a trade skill, which may also show you little yellow dots on the minimap, these will either represent a “mine node” (if you have the skill “mining”)that can be mined or a “herb plant”(if you have the skill “herbalism”) that can be harvested.
Leveling 1-4
This will go by extremely quickly and in most cases will take roughly 30 to 45 minutes. Get any and all quests from any NPC that has a yellow explanation point above its head. The spells you will have at lvl 1-4 are:
Mark of the Wild Level 1(10 copper)
Cost = 20 Mana —– Casting time = Instant —– Range = 30 yards
Raises your armor by 25, can also be casted on friendly targets.
Spell lasts 30 minutes.
Wrath Level 1(free)
Cost = 20 Mana —– Casting time = 1.5 secs. —– Range = 30 yards
Hits the target for 13-16 Nature Damage.
Healing Touch Level 1(free)
Cost = 30 Mana —– Casting time = 1.5 secs. —– Range = 40 yards
Heals yourself or a friendly Target for 40 to 55.
The druid class is very dangerous if played right, not only can the Druid heal itself as well as others, it can also cast offensive spells, as well as root its victims in place and still keep casting, there are talents that even cause anyone who attacks the druid to become instantly rooted! Did I forget to mention that if you are lucky enough to get close to a Druid that it can Shapeshift into a bear? - Now you have to fight a tank that just got a large increase to its attack power and hit point pool! In my opinion the only class that should be able to solo a well experienced Druid, is a Hunter with an awesome pet AND if the hunter can get the jump on the druid. All of that being said you will have no problems at all getting this class to 15 in a hurry. The beginning skills are simply perfect, the Mark of the Wild will give you some added armor and for the first few levels simply make sure you are buffed with mark of the wild and close to casting range,(you are in casting range when the hotbar slot that your wrath spell is located on has a little number that is red, when that number turns white you are in range.) And start chain casting wrath until the mobs closes to melee range and whack on it a few time and its dead. If you took enough damage to warrant a heal simply select yourself and click on the healing touch spell. When targeting a mob make sure that you right click it, this puts you into combat mode so if it does get into melee range you will automatically start whacking on it if you are not already casting a spell. If at anytime I mention a skill that you do not have on your hotbar simply open up the abilities menu and left click the spell then drag it onto your hotbar.(Make sure you bought the skill or spell if it is not a free one, or you will not find a picture of it anywhere) At the lower levels you will only experience the “melee” type mob’s, later on you will face mobs that once you cast a spell on them they will start casting spells on you! A little trick on casting spells… some spells when you get higher level have a “cooldown” time so you cannot keep casting over and over again, however at the lower levels wait until you see the green bar hit the end of the line and click again, do not wait for the bar to fill and disappear, click it as soon as the bar is filled this gives you about a .1 - .2 seconds of advantage over other players that simply wait until the bar disappears. By now you should be getting to level 4.
Leveling from 4-6
At level 4 you may buy the following skills:
MoonFire Level 1(50 copper)
Cost = 25 Mana —– Casting time = Instant —– Range = 30 yards.
Does 8-10 Arcane damage to the target and then DOT’s the target for an additional 12 damage over the course of 9 seconds.
Rejuvenation Level 1(50 copper)
Cost = 25 Mana —– Casting time Instant —– Range = 40 yards
Heals yourself or a friendly target for 32 points over 12 seconds.
Here we have 2 new, very useful skills, Moonfire which is a DOT spell and Rejuvenation. Notice that the rejuvenation spell is an Instant cast spell which means you can cast this while running away from a bad combat situation. At this time your combat should look something like this: (make sure you have mark of the wild on) Moonfire, Wrath, wrath, wrath, melee. If you are in the middle of combat and you know you can beat the mob you are just running a little low on hit points simply cast rejuvenation and keep on swinging this will be healing you while you are in the middle of combat. Also since you have the power to heal yourself you do not need to keep any food you find you can simply sell it or give it to a non-healer class friend, you will need drinks though so if you find them keep them unless you have too many in your backpack already. Continue on to level 6, at level 6 you will most likely leave the “noob” town and make your way to another town to get new quests and higher level mobs. Up to now when you see a mob it was most likely yellow which means that these will not attack you if you get too close, however if see a mob that is red then this mob will attack you if you get to close, this is commonly called “agro”. Do not forget to always cast that Moonfire spell first, however I know a few players that said that they chain casted Wrath until the mob got within melee range and then used the Instant Moonfire, you may
want to try this to see if it works for you.
Leveling 6-8
At level 6 you may buy the following spells:
Thorns Level 1(1 silver 50 copper)
Cost = 35 Mana —– Casting time = Instant - Range = 30 yards.
This spell surrounds the caster in thorns as well as any friendly target that the casters casts the spell on. The thorns do 3 Nature damage to attackers when they hit.
Spell lasts 10 min..
Wrath Level 2(1 silver 50 copper)
Cost = 35 Mana —– Casting time = 1.7 secs —– Range = 30 yards.
Deals 25 to 29 Nature damage to selected target.
Now at level 6 we get an upgrade to our Wrath spell as well as another buff spell “Thorns”, now anytime you enter combat you should have “Mark of the Wild” and “Thorns” on, if these are on you will see them in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Although Thorns does not do a great deal of damage it does hit every time(Unless resisted) By now you should be pretty familiar with the quest system as well as knowing what level mobs you can handle. Playing as a druid you can probably handle mobs 1 -2 levels above your level if you need too. Also if you are going to take any trade skills get them now, even if you have to take some time to walk to your nearest capitol,(which is pretty close to you now) You can get your 2 main tradeskills at lvl 5.
Leveling 8-10
At level 8 you may buy the following spells:
Entangling Roots Level 1(2 silver)
Cost = 50 Mana —– Casting time = 1.5 secs. —– Range = 30 yards.
Roots the target in place and causes 20 nature damage over 12 sec. This Spell can only be cast outside.
Healing Touch Level 2(2 silver)
Cost = 60 Mana —– Casting time = 2 secs. —– Range = 40 yards
Heals yourself or a friendly target for 88-112
At level 8, the spell “Entangling Roots” really opens up some options for the Druid. You can simply cast “Entangling Roots” on the mob and mana dump using wrath after casting Moonfire, If you do this in most cases the mob will never even make it to you to start melee. Using that method though, will require a steady supply of drinks as this will burn your mana after 2 or 3 pulls. The spell Healing Touch level 2 is really not needed at this time unless you are going to be in a group, if you are solo simply keep using the Healing Touch level 1 or rejuvenation. If things do get out of hand during a pull you can always use Entangling Roots as an emergency get away spell simply cast it to root the mob and run away. As a side note you can continue to cast offensive spells at a mob after it is rooted, the mob will not break free right away(in most cases). By now you should have visited your capitol or have a quest that leads you to your capitol for your race. As a side note you cannot sell conjured food or water, yes I already tried… At level 10-11 you will most likely leave the level 5-10 “area” and be sent on a quest to visit a new location, this is also the level at which you may be introduced to your first “elite” quest. Elite quests are not meant to be done solo and no you cannot solo an “elite” mob that is your same level in most cases. I believe Bliz did this to encourage “grouping” after level 10 if you so desire. You can easily tell an “elite” mob from a normal mob by the word “elite” in the mobs name or the wreath around the mobs pic when you left click it. You can safely left click a mob to get info however if you right click it then you enter combat mode with that mob.
Leveling 10-12
At level 10 you may buy the following spells:
Moonfire Level 2(3 silver)
Cost = 50 Mana —– Casting time = Instant —– Range = 30 yards.
Damages the enemy target for 13-17 then DOT’s it for 32 damage over 12 seconds.
Mark of the Wild Level 2(3 silver)
Cost = 50 Mana —– Casting time = Instant —– Range = 30 yards
Increases the casters or a friendly targets armor by 65.
Spell lasts 30 minutes.
Rejuvenation Level 2(3 silver)
Cost = 40 Mana —– Casting time = Instant —– Range = 40 yards
Heals the caster or another friendly target for 56 damage over 12 seconds.
Bear Form(10 copper)
Cost = 52 Mana —– Casting time = Instant —– Cooldown = 1.5 secs
The caster takes the form of a bear, increasing health by 20, attack power by 30, increases armor by 65% of the items being worn. This Shapeshift also breaks all roots, snares, and freeze effects. The caster gains the use of the bear skills and cannot be polymorphed while in the form of a bear.
Demoralizing Roar(3 silver)
Cost = 10 Rage —– Casting time = Instant —– Must be in a bear form
The bear roars, decreasing all enemies close to the caster attack power by 30.
Spell lasts 30 secs.
Maul Level 1(10 copper)
Cost = 15 Rage —– Activation time = Next melee attack —– must be in a bear form.
Raises the druids attack damage by 18.
Growl Level 1(3 silver)
Cost = 5 Rage —– Casting time = Instant —– must be in a bear form.
This skill increases the threat to the druid.
The Druid at level 10 gets a ton of new skills, as well as it’s first shapeshifiting ability. The Mark of the Wild and Moonfire spells, as well as Rejuvenation are all upgrades to previous spells. At 10 the druid can Shapeshift into a bear, although to be honest it is not necessary yet at these low levels. At 10, I switched from a staff to a Mace so that I might use an item in my offhand to increase my stats, as the druid is not really a melee peep in druid form anyway. I still went about hunting mobs using: Entangling roots, wrath, wrath, wrath, and Moonfire if the target broke the root, there were a few time when things seem to “hit the fan” so I shapeshifted into bear form and it saved me every time. Just keep in mind you cannot cast in bear form. As far as the skills go “Growl is only needed if you are a member of a party and you need to take over the agro, Demoralizing Roar should really only be used if fighting more then 1 mob at a time. When in bear form I simply did Maul, Maul, Maul, sounds easy now but the closer to 15 I got I actually had to do a little thinking in a few of my combats, so don’t get too overconfident when in bear form, also make sure you always keep 52 mana available to Shapeshift, if you mana burn you will get stuck in druid form wearing leather armor…(I always had a mana potion ready in case I really needed it. Just drink the potion and Shapeshift as soon as possible. By now you should understand the basics of playing a Druid, and at the capitol city you should also find your “bank” as this has numerous “slots” to store your items, before storing items see if you can “stack” them by dragging one item over the top of another items of the same type. Stackable items include: potions, food, water, crafting materials, and crafting supplies. Also depending on which type of server you are playing on PvP or PvE you may start to see enemies from the other “realm.” From level 10-20 the basics of the game and the mobs start to take you out of the “noobness” and into the full game, expect to fight “caster” mobs, “bow and arrow” mobs and mobs that will give you poison, stuns, or other negative status effects. You may also want to open your “social” window and flag yourself as “looking for a group” if that is a style of play that you desire.(You also may choose to pick a talent here, see the bottom of this post for a link to a list of the talents available.)
Leveling 12-14
At level 12 you may buy the following skills:
Regrowth Level 1
Cost = 120 Mana —– Casting time = 2 secs. —– Range = 40 yards.
This is the Druids big heal spell, heals for 84-98 right away and HOT’s(Heal Over Time) for another 98 over 21 secs.
Enrage Level 1
Costs = 0 —– Casting time = Instant —– cooldown = 20 secs. —– Range = 30 yards —– Must be in a bear form.
Gives the Bear 20 rage over 10 seconds, during this time the bear is considered in “in combat” and its armor is decreased 75%.
The Regrowth spell is a huge mana sink but also is the druids biggest heal spell, as I soloed allot I only used this spell once and it was an extreme overkill. The enrage skill should never be used in combat but casted about 5 seconds before entering melee, however to be quite honest I never even needed this skill to solo mob my level and 2 levels above me. Congrats as it seems you are now ready to leave the noob zones and finally “make your Mark” on the world(pun intended) If you are a Druid then you have to be a Tauren, you should be making your way towards the crossroads(that’s a town), here you will start to find that you are not in the lobie noob zones anymore. The majority of the mobs are aggressive(red con) and if you pull them and they have buddies nearby they will come also. You will also find mobs that “call” other mobs if they get hurt and are close to death, so if there are other mobs close by that are of the same type do not be surprised if they agro you when you have the mob you are working on almost dead. The best way to see this is to mouse over your chat window, go to the tab that says “combat” left click and hold and drag it to the right side of your screen to separate it from the chat window, now you can review all the damage and other combat related actions taken by you and the mob you were in combat with, as well as seeing any new chat messages in the chat window. At this level you really need to be paying full attention to your surroundings. In the barrens you really need to watch what you are doing and stay away from the “dinosaur looking” lizards south of the crossroads as they are melee and casters, and will zap you with lightning damage. Needless to say, now is a good time to get in a group. Also at the crossroads I am 99.9% sure you will experience your first PvP encounter…
Leveling 14-20:
At level 14 you may buy the following spells:
Wrath Level 3
Cost = 55 Mana —– Casting time = 2 secs —– range = 30 yards.
This is an upgraded wrath spell that will hit for 44 to 52 nature damage.
Cure Poison
Cost = 40 Mana —– Casting time = Instant —– Range = 30 yards
Cures 1 poison status effect from the target.
Healing Touch Level 3
Cost = 120 Mana —– Casting time = 2.5 secs —– Range = 40 yards
Heals the caster or a friendly target for 195 - 243.
Thorns Level 2:
Cost = 60 Mana —– Casting time = Instant —– Range = 30 yards.
This is an upgraded Thorns spell dealing 6 damage to all attackers.
Spell lasts 10 min..
Bash Level 1
Cost = 10 Rage —– Casting time = Instant —– Cooldown = 1 minute —– Rage = melee —– Must be in a bear form.
Stuns the target for 2 secs.
Except for “Bash” and “Cure Poison” all the spells you get at this level are upgrades. Cure Poison is self explanatory, Bash works decently in bear form, however it is hardly needed except for emergencies and then it only stuns for 2 secs and has a nasty cooldown on it. Keep your buffs up and as you are most likely in the barrens watch out for the alliance peeps passing through, I heard Night Elf meat is really tender and tastes good to a bear… Pretty soon you will be heading to your second set of “elite quests”, so hopefully by now you have met quite a few players and already have some friends you can do the quests with. As you do your quests remember that the top most quest in your quest list under an area is the easiest one to complete, so in most cases you should do these quests first.