
So guys, I turned 25 earlier today and for the first time I started having some doubts about the choice of my Career Tactics, and partly my mastery points. However, I'm really enjoying my class atm and haven't really felt anything like I lack alot or get beaten up, I still feel like I can improve some stuff

Currently I'm fully specced into Path of Inquisition, up to level 8, and having bought all 3 abilities. The first one being Full Confession, a Career Tactic I've used a few times but have already removed, so in the future it seems I won't spec that one anymore. The Seal of Destruction buff is very nice, I tend to use it every time it's up. Then at 7 spec there's another Career Tactic, one I haven't really used alot yet... Do those 3 seconds really make the difference? I do use Fervor and Burn Heretic! alot, but I have my doubts if it's worth a Career Tactic slot.

Currently I'm running with:

- Jagged Edge: Nice DoT, tho it fully depends on wether you crit or not, so I'm not sure if I'll keep it

- Brute Force: +100 strength, love this one... don't think I'll replace it in the near future!

Which Career Tactics do you guys use then? Flanking appeals to me as well, will test it.

So after this brief check of all of this, I'm even considering to respec and start spreading my points, not just in the DoT spec line. The Path of Judgement (Torment spam, anyone? ) seems nice too. Also, what kind of buff do you usualy run with? I stick with Blessed Bullets of Cleansing most of the time, otherwise I run out of action points even faster when spamming my styles...

So please, feel free to share your opinions

char builder:


WAR - Karak Eight Peaks

Rayko the Witch Hunter L29

Zarloc the Swordsmaster L19

DAoC - Game Over


Ncr the Spiritmaster L50

Erecude the Bonedancer L50


Reikoku the Scout L50


Reiko the Minstrel L50

Hey there i am also playing a WH , they are alot of fun , but not like any class i have played before , I can drop most things fairly fast , but my armor is papier mache ,

I love the from stealth curse that damages them every time they move xD it could be a tank 2 levels higher but if he jumps around me like a wow noob he will get owned with that xD

Now , down to buisness , Inquisition deos look like a nice line and so deos Judgement , but atm i am level 23 and gone full COnfession , the 7 sec 100% disrupt is nice and i plan to go Clicky

If you look at the tatics , i am still unsure , i am waiting to find out if the heal from the Bullets of Purity tatic applys to executions cause if it deos i will be healing myself like no mans buisness , if it deos not apply i will stick in the dot one when i crit .

Some times i get frustrated when i get insta dropped cause of our crappy armor , bu tthen i go out to a skirmish , and drop a player 5 levels higher then me cause he tried to kite when i did sudden accusation , and showed his back to me while i used the ignore armor back style xD ,

and the fact we can stealth , and i just love it even more

NOt to mention once you get the tier 3 Chest with the big shoulder pads and the hat you look freaking awesome !

I've gone split confession and inquisition though I'm only lvl 20 atm.

I'm also running Jagged Edge and Brute Force in tactics. I'm very happy with Jagged Edge as even a 40 dmg crit bullet will trigger it. I'd like to throw in the full confession tactic on top as it would make confess so much better combined with jagged edge.

Gone full judgment at lvl 23. Torment spam is pretty good since a lot of the time you are behind your opponent anyway. Torment plus sudden Accusation and anyone who runs is dead. I see Judgment as very much a max damage, minimum protection caster killer and it does the job very well. All the major caster killer abilities are in this line.

I use Brute Force and Flowing Accusations, really makes for some serious burst damage.