Unending Fury [Blue Plz]

Well, I have quite lots of concerns about current Fury state, however I would like to bring up the one about Unending Fury talent here. Of course, I'm talking about the version to be introduced soon:

Increases damage of your Slam, Whirlwind and Bloodthirst abilities by 2/4/6/8/10%

Problem warhammer goldThe talent is simply way too weak for Tier 10 5-point talent (so, it's under the budget!)


Based on actual raid damage breakdowns posted over forums the damage output of these 3 abilities falls somewhere between 25-30%. So, in fact 5 points spent in Unending Fury talent give you about 3% net damage increase, i.e. 0.6% per point. There is no doubt that any of Precision, Cruelty and Deep Wounds give more than 1% per spent point while not requiring you to go that deep in the tree.


Buff the talent. Simple, yeah?

Buff ideas

Simply buffing numbers is not good idea here as it could result in too much burst damage from BT/WW/Instant Slam combo which will affect PvP.

Back in times when the talent was introduced, it featured additional part, however it became useless as Enraged Assault was removed from game (was really disappointed that day).

Let's give some nice flavor addition to this talent! We're TG Fury warriors, having spiky rage generation, so, let's use that!

Solution Example

Increases damage of your Slam, Whirlwind and Bloodthirst abilities by 2/4/6/8/10%. In addition, whenever you get 100 Rage you become Overraged for 30 sec increasing all physical damage done by 1/2/3/4/5%.

Solution Analysis

Obviously this will make getting 100 Rage not something bad and give you interesting challenge to manage it. I bet that with that duration solution you will be able to maintain the buff almost 100% time. The change will push the talent effectiveness to around 1.5% per point and add some new flavor to Fury gameplay, which IMO matches Fury Warrior idea. Profit!

WTB Signs and Blue response.

That is a pretty cool idea.

in fact, that is a really nice idea you have got there

maybe the numbers may change, but it would make getting 100 rage really worth it

Agree with the previous posters. The numbers might change, but the idea is quite nice.