nMainbar (3.5.1)

Change Log:

- more options

- little bugfixes

- some tweaks


- a lot of changes

- implement a out of range coloring

- there are now a config file

- you can show the mutlibars right and left by pressing a modifier key like ctrl or alt

- you can now hide the stancebar permanent

- NEW! higlight, pushed and checkedtextures!

... for more options open the nMainbarConfig.lua with a texteditor of your choise.


- fix some damn vehicle bugs

- a new bar "drag system", shift+alt+leftclick on the first button of the possessbar, petbar or stancebar to move the bar


- Smaller Mainbar (hide the menu and bagbuttons)

- Skin the actionbar, vehicle, pet, possess and stancebar buttons

- out of range coloring

- changeable fontsize of the macronames, hotkeys and counts or hide them

- hide the gryphons

... and many more.

How can I move the Petbar, Stancebar or Possessbar?

Shift + Alt + Leftclick on the first button of the possessbar, petbar or stancebar to move the them.

How can I change some settings?

Open the nMainbarConfig.lua with a texteditor of your choise.

You will require someknowledge withing LUA editing to configure this addon,

but the config is so simple that everyone can do this.

I haven't plan to implement a ingame configuration. Why should they?

Extra Stuff

If you want other arts check out SquidMod and SquidModGraficUpdate


Disable RedRange if you have it or you get some problems. nMainbar has its own out of range coloring!