Change Log:
3.0.002 - minor performance tweaks
3.0.001 - updated for 3.0; added support for the new mount/companion models
2.4.002 - should fix any alt-click related problems; code cleanup
2.4.001 - simple toc update
Allows you to zoom, reposition, and rotate the UI's built-in models so that you may get a better view. Should support all models that you can interact, including the following:
Dressing Room (including Auction House's)
Character Info
Pet Info/Stable
How to use:
Zoom in/out - mouse wheel up/down
Position x/y - right-click and drag any direction
Rotate - left-click and drag side to side
Toggle dressing room's background - ctrl left-click
In addition, CloseUp adds target/undress buttons to dressing room windows.