Killing Lady Vashj


I'm proud to say I killed Lady Vashj! It was our guild's second kill, I missed the first one. Both Vashj and Kael'thas are very demanding fights, not so much for gear but for detailed coordination and everyone doing their job perfectly. I think it's a good choice that Blizzard lifted the attunement requirement, but I'm also very glad I can say I was in a group that mastered the fight.

My job was DPS up top. It's probably the easiest job in the fight; no chasing down adds, no hunting for newly spawned targets. Still requires a lot of attention to get on nagas fast, avoid striders, pick up any stray elementals that slip through. And as a special surprise, figure out how to shut down a shield generator because the usual guy doing it was busy at the moment. Avoiding the green shit at the end is difficult for melee; I ended up about 20 yards away spamming moonfire because there was no room to get in close. Hey, whatever it takes.