Election Day is Here: Vote, Die, or Move to Canada

Do you remember that obnoxious guy at the super market who was screaming and yelling at his kids and you thought to yourself man what an idiot? Guess what, he's out there voting and determining the future direction of our country. How about the ex boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, or husband you had that you never agreed with on anything? They are out there voting too! Maybe none of these situations you're familiar with, what about the teacher you didn't like, the parent you didn't get along with, or the boss you hated? Guess what? These people are out there voting too.

You see the reason why you should vote is not because it's your right, your obligation, your duty to your country, or your voice isn't being heard, on the contrary! It's all those people that have caused you confusion, pain, or agony in your life that are voting to elect people just like themselves to office.

If you sit back and don't do anything about it, eventually we'll end up with a government that you don't like and you mine as well move to Canada. Or better yet, why don't you solve the problem of illegal aliens for us and gather people like yourself who didn't vote and run into Mexico; the illegals crossing may become confused and follow you.

Some of the major broadcasting networks have asked us to conduct a poll among likely Azerothian voters so that they can update their results and show these poll numbers to the public. Please take the time to click a choice in the poll!