Blizzard Exploits and Mistreats Their Labor Force and Warlocks go Ape-#%!#$

Blizzard slams the doors on the labor unions and exploits gamers across the World. If you thought working for a fraction of money U.S. Workers made was bad, try this one on for size. Blizzard is charging people to work for them. That's right! Instead of hiring beta testers, they are making their regular paying subscribers test out aspects of their upcoming expansion against their will. Some are furious! I had the chance to interview one of Blizzard's paying subscribers who happens to be a Warlock.

Interviewer: "What do you like about Warlocks?"

Pissed off Warlock: "Destruction! Destruction warlocks had a very unique and fun playstyle"

Interviewer: "What have been some of the major changes to Warlocks that you dislike?"

Pissed off Warlock: "There was a direct and visible relationship between spell power+crit+haste that is now obfuscated by all sorts of pointless complexities added to the warlocks cast sequence, this makes me angry. Also, this is a complete removal of the destro warlock playstyle as we know it, a game in itself has been removed. They replaced it by an annoying cast sequence to be viable DPS, similar to mages.

Interviewer: "Why not just keep playing with shadow bolts and do less than subpar damage?"

Pissed off Warlock: "I've heard about these people who don't optimize their class and playstyle for raid dps opposed to enjoyment, they are under constant verbal attack and pressure from the rogue community, especially players like grimsnatch who we've seen on this website harassing helpful authors like yourself."

Interviewer: "If you could say anything to Blizzard right now, what would it be?

Pissed off Warlock: "First, I'd like them to give me back my play style. I want my Warlock back so I can play it again. Secondly, I'd like to know where my time machine is so I can go back in time to play World of Warcraft. Maybe someone can tell me how to load up old World of Warcraft again?

That concluded our interview. If you are interested in interviewing for some of the other class or game changes, please submit a request to the webmaster of this site and they will forward your request to me. Thank you!

How pissed are you on a scale of 1 through 10 about this patch?1-2 (Not pissed at all really)51% (215 votes)3-4 (Semi Pissed)8% (36 votes)5 (Neutrally Pissed)5% (23 votes)6-7 (Kind of Pissed)14% (60 votes)8-9(Very Pissed)6% (26 votes)10 (Extremely Pissed Off)15% (64 votes)Total votes: 424