Some of you may actually work, some of you may not.
Some of you may have health insurance, some of you may not.
Some of you might have lost your jobs to outsourcing, some of you might be the outsourcers that gained jobs.
But just from a gamers perspective, who should you vote for? And does it really matter?
So what issues really affect gamers? Some of you have working parents, some of you work, and others just live in a basement so I'm going to outline a few key issues and tell you how it will affect gamers.
Issue #1: Gas Prices
Lot's of Americans struggle to pay for gas and the higher cost of gas takes a bigger toll on our minimum wage workers, which may very well be the kids working at fast food restaurants or poor families so this will undoubtedly affect wow players. More for gas is less money for wow accounts and subscriptions and possibly more time spent working to pay for things.
John McCain will suspend the federal gas tax, repeal the 54 cents a gallon tariff on imported ethanol, eliminate tax breaks for oil companies. This will immediately reduce the price of gas by at least $.20 a gallon, but will reduce the governments available spending and he plans to reduce corporate taxes on other non-oil related corporations. So do you want a short term bandaid or a long term fix to the problem?
Barack Obama will keep gas tax in place, keep ethanol tariff active, and tax oil profits to issue $1,000 rebate checks to consumers hit hard by energy costs, and eliminate oil and gas tax loopholes. Short-term you won't see an immediate drop in gas prices but you will get some of your gas money back during tax time and this could create more government funding to invest into renewable energy.
Issue #2: Minimum Wage
John McCain will leave minimum wage at $7.25 an hour and not tie future hikes to inflation. This is what it happening now in America, most people making minimum wage are finding their money doesn't go very far due to inflation of energy, healthcare, and food supplies.
Barack Obama will raise minimum wage to $9.50 and tie it to future inflation.
Issue #3: Driving
John McCain: Tax credits to customers who buys a "zero-emission car" (how many poor people can afford to buy a new car right now), raise penalties for companies not producing fuel efficient cars as defined by the Corporate Average Fuel Economy, Offer high cash rewards for companies to produce a plug-in hybrid battery technology at 30% of current costs.
Barack Obama: Double fuel economy standards within 18 years, offer $7,000 tax credit to buyers of plug-in hybrids (who can afford one of those), mandate all new cars be flex-fuel capable (welcome to higher food costs), retool American Automotive industries to produce more fuel efficient cars, aim to get 1 million 150 mpg plug in hybrids on road within six years.
You can see more issues and their stances at McCain vs Obama
But the major question is, what will you do?